Increase youR footfall by rewarding your customers.
Rewarding old customers or entice in new , loyalty schemes can help increase sales.
Using a variety of methods including swipe cards, RFID fobs, QR codes , Barcodes, we offer a solution that is easy , cost effective and has many advanced features.
LCR Systems Ltdcan supply the Software, Hardware and even print your own loyalty cards in-house to your design.

Card Swipe or Contactless
Top up money
Gift Vouchers
Post Code Look Up Option
Caller ID Integration
Multi Site
Multiple reports
Best / Worst
Item Tracking
Picture Storage
Card Printing Service

We also link to third party apps to increase sales with new innovative schemes.

The Debitrak App is a generic app available for both iPhone and android users where one can register to join a scheme locked down by a Site Location QR code
Users can only collect rewards they earn at your locations
Users are provided with a unique and secure QR code ID that is scanned at the POS when purchases are made
Users can have multiple log-ins to Debitrak to collect rewards from different vendors in the area
In addition to product based rewards ie buy 7 coffees get one free, users can also collect discounts at prescribed POS locations using the same QR code ID on their phone
Debitrak Rewards has a complete back office for nominated administers to allow promotions to be set up, managed, discounts applied, reports taken and messages sent through push notification to selected users.

The Drink Exchange quite literally turns a bar into a stock market for an evening with drinks prices rising and falling every few minutes, based upon what is being sold.
From the customer’s point of view, as they enter a bar they will see a selection of drinks prices on the screens (the trading graphics can be customised to suit specific branding). These prices change every few minutes based upon what they buy! So for example, if Heineken sells, then the price rises. If no one is buying Bacardi, then the price will begin to drop.
On top of this, we have the MARKET CRASHES. These are points during the event when prices hit their minimum. This can be across a number of items, all items, or maybe just one item. The screens flash, triggering customers to buy, and as they do so, the prices begin to rise.
As you can imagine this creates a high energy event, that is great interactive fun for the customer. However, the reason it is so effective, is that the bar is in control of all of the above.